18 Kasım 2015 Çarşamba

                                         'LEGALIZE'  THE EUTHANASIA

      As far as I am concerned, euthanasia should absolutely be legal despite all objections to it. First of all, people have the right to make the last decision about their own life and body. They should be free to determine at which time, in what way or how they will die. Therefore, there shouldn't be any unnecessary restraints on their main right for dying. Especially, if they are suffering great agony and there is no hope of reducing this pain or a possibility of future consciousness, ending up living will be the most sensible decision to be made. Moreover, euthanasia can enable medical funds for other people. Patient's organs may be the last option to cure another person. Thus, he or she should be independent in his choices in which he prefers to save a person's life and die peacefully rather than being convulsed in agony. That is, I totally agree with the arguments of the expert. To illustrate, he says that 'why should their death be needlessly prolonged.' As a matter of fact, the treatment of a terminally ill person is waste of time and money according to me. In other words, patient's family can not compensate for the cost of treatment. Similarly, waiting for a patient who is in a permanent vegetative state won't be anything else than a hope which his family feeds in vain. In addition, the expert said that the law should be changed to enable doctors to withdraw treatment even if the patient's family can't consent. I defend this opinion because everbody including the patient's family tends to regard dying as a bad thing and they think that a person who wants to die has nothing to live for such as the ones whom he leaves behind, but someties the pain which the patient suffers from can be more strong than all the good things in their lives. In this case, everbody should respect for patient's decision about his own life and let him die peacefully.

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