23 Ocak 2016 Cumartesi

9 Ocak 2016 Cumartesi


If I were a jury member of the committee choosing the person of the year, I would choose the candidate by taking into account some important points. Suppose that it was a journalist. First of all, a good journalist should be curious and enterprising towards phenomena occuring outside. In other words, they should analyze the conditions carefully. Morover, they should never be contented with the information they attain. On the contrary, they should try to reach more information to the extent the time permits. Secondly, they should be unbiased and realist. More specifically, they should convey the truths to people not adding their political ideas. For instance, there are becoming many bad things in East of the country; many people -especially children- are dying for no reason. However, some journalists don't inform people about this distress from which those who live there are suffering. As a result, people who are far from that region stay away from these events, so they can't act against those cruel actions. Of course, this condition isn't valid just for the journalists' own country but other foreign countries. A good journalist should respect people's ideas no matter how different they are from theirs. In addition, they should show the same sensitivity to all people regardless of their race and religon, and phenomena they experience. That is, when they are doing their job, they should be suffused the identity of the people about whom they make news; they should feel like them by detaching from prejudice. Thirdly, a good journalist should use the language effectively and speak fluently. Furthermore, they should be able to express their thoughts clearly. In other words, they may lead people to understand the news in a wrong way if they don't use the language properly. Besides, a good journalist should know several foreign languages since they can not understand the events thoroughly unless they know a country's language, and listen to the events from the people who experience that condition. To conclude, I would choose the journalist who has curiosity, doesn't have discriminatory ideas, and can also use the language effectively and correctly as the journalist of the year.

8 Ocak 2016 Cuma


Breaking Bad is an American crime drama television serial which created and produced by Vince Gilligan. It was on the television for five season, from January 20.2008 to September 29.2013. The main characters of it are Bryan Cranston as Walter White, Anna Gunn as Skyler White, Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman, Dean Norris as Hank Schrader, Betsy Brantt as Mariee Schrader, and R.J Mitte as Walter White Jr. It is generally about the life of  a dissipated family. In other words, it tells the story of Walter White who is a high school chemistry teacher.He starts to produce and sell crystallized methamphetamine with his former student Jesse Pinkman to secure his family's financial future before he dies from an inoperable lung cancer. I am really impressed by this serial. There are some important points making this serial impressive. First of all, its scenario is so realistic as if it was taken from a story in real life. To illustrate, there is the father of a family who is diagnosed with a fatal disease; so he should find a solution which provides him with a lot of money in a short time because he has to save his family - especially his son who has cerebral palsy - from financial burdens before he dies. When I watched some tragic scenes in which the father was totally helpless, I could portray a real family. That is, each father is worried about his family in this condition, so he may interfere in dangerous affairs to save his family. He even puts his own life at risk like Walter White for sake of his family. Secondly, this serial gives an important message about the effect of money on people's psychology. More specifically, it tells us how people tend to lose their real goal an identity after they start to make money or gain reputation. For instance, Walter starts producing and selling meth to save his family at the beginning; however, he can not give up that job although he makes enough money to save his family. This condition makes us to reassure the general idea; it defends the fact that people wants more as they make money. Besides, they becomes arrogant, and they don't want to lose their reputation. As a result, they do everything in order not to lose the fame they  have attained. To conclude, Breaking Bad is widely regarded as one of the greatest television series of all time. The show received many awards including Eight Satellite Awards, Two Golden Globe Awards and a People's Choice Awards. Furthermore, it entered the Guinness World Records as the highest rated show of all time. I think it really worths watching.


     Media has an enormous effect on people’s perception of beauty. First of all, it leads to the emergence of a flawless body sense in people’s minds. In other words, it defines what beauty is, showing the opposite models which are far from being beautiful. In this manner, it stimulates people to try to look like these wonderful models whom they see on various media tools like TV, magazine covers or ads, causing people to be obsessed with these two-dimensional images without taking into account their different looks, sizes, shapes and even their colors. To illustrate, they begin to use different types of cosmetic products, go on diets and undergo many plastic surgeries to look like the women and men who look perfect on screen although they are aware of the fact that they undergo some process to change their real images. Moreover, they start to compare their body with the exaggerated and distorted two-dimensional images on media. As a result of this comparision, they underrate their beauty because the images which they see on media are totally different  from themselves in many aspects. Thus, they lose their self-esteem and self-confidence, which causes them to remain in the background of society. That is, it makes them introverted people who can express neither their feelings nor ideas in society. Second, media alters the perception of what people believe is normal. To illustrate, they come to see people who have small facial features, colored eyes, small waists and light colored hair as the ideal in terms of beauty  while they see the people around them as abnormal since these figures are imposed upon people with constant repetition on various forms of media. To conclude, people are always exposed to many unrealistic messages which are sent by media, and they generally harm them in social and psychological terms. However, if the media portrayed people regardless of their flaws, just in their original forms, they wouldn’t focus on many unnecessary occupations in order to have a perfect image, rather they would try to improve their lives from different aspects because they would be at peace with their bodies.

6 Ocak 2016 Çarşamba


We use the colors in every aspect of our life from decorating to wearing without being aware of their effects on our moods, perceptions, and emotions. Each color arouses different emotions on people. That is, some colors affect people positively while some affect them in a negative way. For instance, the black which has a light absorbing property is often seen as a symbol of menace or evil, so movies, books, and magazines typically depict the bad guys in black. Similarly, it is a color of mourning, death, and sadness, so people put on black color in funeral ceremonies. On the other hand, white color which reflects light symbolizes innocence, purity, and cleanliness. Therefore, brides wear white in their wedding ceremonies to symbolize purity or doctors and nurses wear it to imply sterility. As far as I am concerned, the colors really affect our moods, and perceptions. To illustrate, I fell calm, and relaxed when I wear blue. Similarly, I notice the person who wears red immediately. Morover, the wearer appears more serious to me as it’s very attractive and immense color. If we think from the point of the perception, the red color is issued in traffic signs to grap attention easily, and the white color is popular in decorating since it is light, neutral, and goes with everything. To conclude, colors play an important role in the human mind, and the way the things are perceived, processed, and performed. 


 I am Simayet. First of all, I want to mention about the feelings which being a university student at METU makes me feel.It’s quite different from being a student in High School because METU is already a different world on its own,so I experienced a minor culture shock when I encountered its wonderful environment for the first time.METU provides me with a lot of opportunities in terms of social and academic success.For instance,I made many good friends,I also met  many different ideas and most importantly,I have an environment in that I can exress my ideas independently and that there are people who respect others’ ideas no matter how much they are different from theirs. Moreover,people at METU are extremely sensitive and indulgent.That is,they are never indifferent to any wrong treatment or injustice.They always try to voice their opinions to whole world.In this manner,they encourage people to make a tough stand against unfairness.As for my department,I especially chose the METU FLE department and I think it is one of the best choices I have ever made throughout my life.The teachers of this department are the main motive behind my choice.To illustrate,I believe in improving my language learning skills thanks to the teachers of the department all of whom specialized in their own fields.As a result,I am very glad about being a FLE student because I can take an immensely quality learning in this department.With regard to my expectatıons from my department, I want to not only improve myself in English but also other languages which I am planning to learn.In addition,I hope to improve myself in listening and speaking since I don’t think myself  sufficiently qualified on these fields.To conclude, I know that I will certainly come accross some challenges at my department.But,I believe that I can cope with these challenges with a sufficient and regular study at right time.Hopefully,I see myself professionally in five years’ time at a better place than I quessed before.At the beginning, I want to be a researcher assistant at METU.Afterthat,my aim is being a professor at METU  studying hard and improving myself on a vast scale.