6 Ocak 2016 Çarşamba


We use the colors in every aspect of our life from decorating to wearing without being aware of their effects on our moods, perceptions, and emotions. Each color arouses different emotions on people. That is, some colors affect people positively while some affect them in a negative way. For instance, the black which has a light absorbing property is often seen as a symbol of menace or evil, so movies, books, and magazines typically depict the bad guys in black. Similarly, it is a color of mourning, death, and sadness, so people put on black color in funeral ceremonies. On the other hand, white color which reflects light symbolizes innocence, purity, and cleanliness. Therefore, brides wear white in their wedding ceremonies to symbolize purity or doctors and nurses wear it to imply sterility. As far as I am concerned, the colors really affect our moods, and perceptions. To illustrate, I fell calm, and relaxed when I wear blue. Similarly, I notice the person who wears red immediately. Morover, the wearer appears more serious to me as it’s very attractive and immense color. If we think from the point of the perception, the red color is issued in traffic signs to grap attention easily, and the white color is popular in decorating since it is light, neutral, and goes with everything. To conclude, colors play an important role in the human mind, and the way the things are perceived, processed, and performed. 

1 yorum:

  1. Dear Simayet,
    Firstly, I see that you chose a good topic, and it can easily draw people attention because we wonder what the effects of colors on us.I share the same idea with you when it comes to the color blue making me feel peaceful and relaxed, and the people who wear red drawing attention. By the way, I have heard that the it is not advisable to use the color yellow for children's room because it is assumed that this color may cause them to be naughty and to have some psychological problems. In addition to the good topic you chose, I also like the way you write. I could not find any difficult or scientific word in your paragraph; therefore, everything you have mentioned is clear. I also realized that you have not used the same conjuctions again and again. That's why, I think it keeps your writing from being ordinary and boring. Moreover, using the punctuations correctly makes your writing much better because it is really essential to prevent the readers from having confusion when we write something. All in all, I really liked your post because there are great things included. Thanks for sharing :)
