9 Ocak 2016 Cumartesi


If I were a jury member of the committee choosing the person of the year, I would choose the candidate by taking into account some important points. Suppose that it was a journalist. First of all, a good journalist should be curious and enterprising towards phenomena occuring outside. In other words, they should analyze the conditions carefully. Morover, they should never be contented with the information they attain. On the contrary, they should try to reach more information to the extent the time permits. Secondly, they should be unbiased and realist. More specifically, they should convey the truths to people not adding their political ideas. For instance, there are becoming many bad things in East of the country; many people -especially children- are dying for no reason. However, some journalists don't inform people about this distress from which those who live there are suffering. As a result, people who are far from that region stay away from these events, so they can't act against those cruel actions. Of course, this condition isn't valid just for the journalists' own country but other foreign countries. A good journalist should respect people's ideas no matter how different they are from theirs. In addition, they should show the same sensitivity to all people regardless of their race and religon, and phenomena they experience. That is, when they are doing their job, they should be suffused the identity of the people about whom they make news; they should feel like them by detaching from prejudice. Thirdly, a good journalist should use the language effectively and speak fluently. Furthermore, they should be able to express their thoughts clearly. In other words, they may lead people to understand the news in a wrong way if they don't use the language properly. Besides, a good journalist should know several foreign languages since they can not understand the events thoroughly unless they know a country's language, and listen to the events from the people who experience that condition. To conclude, I would choose the journalist who has curiosity, doesn't have discriminatory ideas, and can also use the language effectively and correctly as the journalist of the year.

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