8 Ocak 2016 Cuma


     Media has an enormous effect on people’s perception of beauty. First of all, it leads to the emergence of a flawless body sense in people’s minds. In other words, it defines what beauty is, showing the opposite models which are far from being beautiful. In this manner, it stimulates people to try to look like these wonderful models whom they see on various media tools like TV, magazine covers or ads, causing people to be obsessed with these two-dimensional images without taking into account their different looks, sizes, shapes and even their colors. To illustrate, they begin to use different types of cosmetic products, go on diets and undergo many plastic surgeries to look like the women and men who look perfect on screen although they are aware of the fact that they undergo some process to change their real images. Moreover, they start to compare their body with the exaggerated and distorted two-dimensional images on media. As a result of this comparision, they underrate their beauty because the images which they see on media are totally different  from themselves in many aspects. Thus, they lose their self-esteem and self-confidence, which causes them to remain in the background of society. That is, it makes them introverted people who can express neither their feelings nor ideas in society. Second, media alters the perception of what people believe is normal. To illustrate, they come to see people who have small facial features, colored eyes, small waists and light colored hair as the ideal in terms of beauty  while they see the people around them as abnormal since these figures are imposed upon people with constant repetition on various forms of media. To conclude, people are always exposed to many unrealistic messages which are sent by media, and they generally harm them in social and psychological terms. However, if the media portrayed people regardless of their flaws, just in their original forms, they wouldn’t focus on many unnecessary occupations in order to have a perfect image, rather they would try to improve their lives from different aspects because they would be at peace with their bodies.

1 yorum:

  1. Dear Simayet
    I can say that that is a great writing in terms of your use of language and fluency of the paragraph. When I read the lines, I started to think that the all the facts you've mentioned are totally true. In fact I can even say that sometimes I feel the media's effect on me when it comes to the beauty, fashion and the cosmetics which are shown to people via media. I mean, from time to time I start to check my appearance by comparing mine to the women on TV's, in magazines or on the internet. Therefore, you chose a really great topic to write about. However, I wish you would share your opinions much more on this topic. I mean, what do you really think? Is the effect of media on people that great or true? Isn't there any idea that you disagree with? All in all, I love your writing :)
